White Collar Criminal Defense

Area of Practice:

White Collar Criminal Defense

Few experiences in life are as stressful and disruptive as learning that you or your company are the target or subject of a federal criminal investigation.

With his decades of experience as both a chief federal prosecutor and as a federal judge, not to mention his decades of experience as defense counsel, Sandy Mattice has earned a reservoir of credibility with regulators and enforcement authorities that he can leverage on behalf of clients when faced with such a sobering reality.

During those decades of experience, Sandy has gained a depth of expertise in the full range of white collar issues that is virtually unsurpassed.

Besides having dealt with prosecutors in a myriad of U. S. Attorneys offices as well as at Main Justice, Sandy has dealt with regulators and investigators from the SEC, IRS, HHS, FTC, DOD, FDA, EPA, Homeland Security as well as from Inspector Generals (IGs) of many federal agencies. Sandy is one of a very few lawyers outside of Washington, DC who has had senior supervisory experience in conducting a large-scale and high-profile congressional investigation.

Sandy's white collar subject matter expertise extends to almost all areas of health care fraud, mail and wire fraud, tax fraud, securities fraud, antitrust, environmental crimes, bribery, public corruption, campaign violations, government procurement fraud, data misappropriation and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations.

Through his relationships with law enforcement and prosecutors, Sandy understands that the best outcome for a client facing a criminal investigation is to deal with the authorities early and obtain a declination to prosecute decision. When that result is not available, Sandy's length and depth of experience permits him to assemble quickly and quietly the right professional team to provide the client with the best defense available, through trial and beyond.

Sandy and his team can provide their clients with a thorough understanding of how the government develops a case, as well as how to devise and implement strategies to confront and counter the government's case.

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