Defense of Government Investigations & Conduct of Internal Investigations

Area of Practice:

Defense of Government Investigations & Conduct of Internal Investigations

In any investigation – whether it be defense of a government investigation or conduct of an internal corporate investigation – credibility is the coin of the realm. The credibility of the defense counsel to government investigators or the credibility of the internal investigator to the board of directors or interested third parties is of paramount – and usually decisive – importance.

With over four decades of legal experience in the private sector and all three branches of the federal government, Sandy Mattice has earned the credentials and the reputation for integrity necessary to establish the highest level of credibility required by clients facing the intense scrutiny of high stakes investigations.

Upon being retained, The Mattice Group team will consult with management on immediate steps to be taken to contain the particular problem, and to design a workable approach to determining its scope and source. This will include an evaluation of the seriousness of the problem and an assessment of the likely rapidity with which external events and pressures are likely to develop.

We will consult with management regarding the types of expertise that may be required to address the problem and help to determine whether that expertise exists-in house, or whether outside assistance will be required. If the latter, The Mattice Group stands ready to draw quickly upon its regional and national contacts within the appropriate professional community to make recommendations as to the unique team to be assembled, subject, of course, to management's approval.

Sandy Mattice and his team are experienced in directing, coordinating and monitoring both governmental and corporate investigations, including defending and conducting both internal and external interviews and interrogations, document retrieval, review and analysis, conducting background investigations and public record searches, and dealing with the media and adverse parties, private and governmental – all the while exercising the discretion and professionalism necessary to maintain the client's confidences and to insulate both management and employees from the inevitable disruptions which can prove as destructive to the client's business and brand as the investigation itself.

The end result of The Mattice Group's work is to provide management with a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the nature and scope of the problem being investigated. This report will include recommendations as to how it should be handled in the short run, as well as suggestions as to remedial measures that should be taken to prevent a recurrence of the problem.

Representative Investigations Work:

• Sandy was Senior Counsel to the United States Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs – Special Investigation. In that role, he provided senior supervision to the Committee's majority staff, consisting of approximately 55 attorneys, investigators and support staff. Over a year-long period, the Committee investigated illegal and improper activities connected with the 1996 federal election campaigns and conducted nationally televised hearings regarding the same. In his role as Senior Counsel, and in addition to his legal work, Sandy served as a principal liaison between the Committee and the media.

• Sandy served as retained lead counsel to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in its investigation of accounting malpractice connected with the collapse of First Republic Bank of Dallas, which was, at that time, the largest bank failure in American history. Sandy Supervised a staff of approximately 15 attorneys, accountants and investigators. Their work led to an eventual global settlement between FDIC and a BigFour accounting firm.

• As United States Attorney, Sandy lead an investigation by his office and the staff of the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services into violations of the Anti-kickback statute and other violations by a major regional hospital. Their work resulted in a $40 million settlement with the hospital. For his work, Sandy was awarded the HHS OIG's Integrity Award, which is the highest honor bestowed by that office.

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